Friday, 27 July 2018

Country Study

In reading, we were studying about different
types of countries. I did one on Germany. It told us to write different facts about the country, where it's located, VIP( very important person) holidays, sport, food,animals, traditional clothing and 3 places you recommended to visit. I enjoyed it because Germany is really interesting. This is my one:

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Animal Classification

Today we learned about how animals are classified into groups. Animals are either vertebrates (which mean they have a spine) or invertebrates (which don't have a spine. Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects, and octopuses. Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay eggs. Reptiles are cold-blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe through their skin and need to keep their moist skin. Fish breathe through gills and have fins.
5 examples of each type:

Mammals: Otter, Racoons, Sloth, Skunk, and Pigs
Birds: Owl, Duck, Turkey, Goose, and Penguins
Reptiles: Tortoise, Turtle, Crocodiles, Lizards, and Snakes
Amphibians: Frog, Salamander, Newts, Caecilian, and Toads
Fish: Shark, Eel, Gold Fish, Fish, and Sea Horse

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Suzanne Auberts Birthday

                                                                               On the 19th of June we celebrated Suzanne Auberts birthday. To celebrate, our class colored in flowers. If you don't know, she is a good woman who changed part of the world. This is what she looks like.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Hansel And Gretel

Today in Drama, we did a play on a story called Hansel and Gretel. The characters are Hansel, Gretel and the evil Witch. I played the witch. 
I was in a group of 3. We did this so we can work together and get used to each other. I liked how we got to change the 
ending of it. This is our video


For Matariki, I did a star around
Matariki. To make it this big, I
used 4 stars which have questions like when Matariki 
is celebrated, how we celebrate 
it and different types of stars.
This my one I made.

Healthy Lunch

Yesterday for Science, we had a shared lunch. For shared, we were meant to bring in healthy food or something with low
sugar. Everyone brought in crackers, fruit, fruit salad, samosas and sparkling water.
I enjoyed eating everything especially 
samosas. This is a photo of us.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


Wow! Look at all those toys!
Last week on Wednesday and Thursday night, my class and I did a dance for the school production. All the other classes did a performance on different toys. Our class did Barbies and Kens. I was a Ken. We had to dance with a partner but mine couldn't come because he was sick with chicken pox.

I enjoyed being in the production because
I had a lot of fun and I felt like dancing.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Jesus' Work

Today in Religious Education,
we were talking about Jesus and him saving people and helping everyone. We were split into groups to act out a bible reading by doing a play, dance or a mime. We did a mime on a 
reading called the Ten Lepers.  We did it so we can understand his work. This is our video.